This is Part 3 of my series called “Your Child’s Musical Life”, sharing about the when / why / what / etc. of educating your child about music. Go here for Part 1 about Getting an Early Start, and Part 2 about Tween Years and Onward. Why is music such a great activity for my child? These are just some of the reasons to get your child acquainted with music: Language mastery: Music is a universal language, shared by people […] Read more ...
Baby’s Fussy, What To Do?
When my sons were very small, I remember one of the biggest challenges of those first few weeks was figuring out what that fussy little guy needed: feeding, diaper change, cuddles, nap, ??? I would work my way down a mental checklist I called “triage”, like emergency workers on the scene of a disaster figuring out who needed CPR. And there were times when, if I didn’t diagnose the issue pretty soon, the dear child’s condition would indeed deteriorate […] Read more ...